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If It Doesn't Matter, What Am I Doing Inside The Great Pyramid?
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A book about New Energy Abundance by Jan Brouwer

Do you have problems with money? Does it seem that no matter how much you earn, there is never quite enough? Would you like to learn practical applications of the teachings of the Crimson Council and experience true abundance in your life?

In this booklet you will learn the difference between wealth and abundance; how mass belief systems and the human tendency to avoid uncertainty keep abundance from our lives; how to use the power of conscious choice to make fundamental and lasting changes in your life; and what abundance looks like once you start trusting yourself and living fully in the Now moment. With a number of exercises to help you reflect on your own issues, "Choosing For You" provides you with the inspiration and tools to change your life and start experiencing abundance for yourself.

Now available as a digital download (PDF)
Price: $12.50 USD

For more information and to order:
Click Here-US Store
Click Here-European Store



Featuring Tobias, Adamus Saint-Germain, and a powerful intuition-expanding experience with Kuthumi lal Singh

Recorded in November 2008 in Athens, Greece

Intuition: Have you ever wondered what it is? Is it only for priviledged few? Are women naturally more intuitive than men? How does it really work? Can it be learned or enhanced?

In 'Expanding Your Intuition' Tobias will give you the background information to understand what intuition is and how it works. Kuthumi’s guided exercise will take you through the process of opening and expanding your intuition, and Adamus Saint-Germain will work with you for a fortnight to experience and use intuition in your life.

For more information and to order:
Click Here-US Store
Click Here-European Store

Personal Study Course

Adamus Saint-Germain’s DreamWalker Birth Transitions is now available as a Personal Study Course. DreamWalker Birth is the second in Saint-Germain's DreamWalker Death/Birth/Ascension trilogy. This new course offers insights and guidance into what happens on the Earth dimensions and angelic realms prior to physical birth.

The DreamWalker Birth guide, called an “Adoula,” is trained to work with expectant parents to develop a deep, spiritual connection with their baby long before actual delivery. The entire process of conception, pregnancy and birth can be much smoother and more fulfilling, eliminating much pain and trauma often associated with pregnancy and birth. The DreamWalker Birth materials will help expand your horizons and assist you in inspiring consciousness in others.

If you want to learn more about the spiritual aspects of the birth process, this material from Adamus Saint-Germain is informative, captivating and inspirational. If you want to become an active, certified Adoula, you will have to attend a teacher presented DreamWalker Birth Transitions workshop.DreamWalker Birth Transitions Personal Study Course includes:

• Nine audio CD disks with Adamus Saint-Germain channels and Questions/Answers
• 300 Page Study Guide Book, including transcript, in PDF format on a data disk

For more information and to order:

Click Here-US Store
Click Here-European Store

Crimson Circle Store
March 2009 Newsletter
If It Doesn't Matter,
What Am I Doing Inside the
Great Pryamid?

- by Geoffrey Hoppe

After crawling on our hands and knees through the small tunnel inside the Great Pyramid in Egypt, we finally entered the King’s Chamber. The ascent up the dark and claustrophobic passageway was so narrow that only one person at a time could pass. There was no room to turn around for anyone who wanted go back, not with 50 Shaumbra making their way up the tunnel.

There was a sigh of relief as each person finally stood upright in the King’s Chamber, and we each took a deep breath even though the air was thin. Most of us took a long drink of water after the rigorous climb, and our eyes searched around the chamber. We were deep inside the only remaining Seven Wonders of the World. We were inside a global monument of which most humans have seen pictures. The Great Pyramid is one of the most recognized human icons in the world, and here we were, 50 Shaumbra from 13 countries, actually inside this mystical and revered temple. Our eyes opened wide as we tried to adjust to the dim light, but more so they opened in awe of the moment.

It was the last full day of our magical ten-day tour in Egypt. We started in Cairo with visits to the Cairo Museum and ancient workshop sites of the Jews, Christians and Muslims. Then we flew to Aswan where we boarded a river cruiser for a five-day cruise on the Nile. During that time we visited the Temple of Isis, the dual Temple of Horus, and the Temple of Komo Ombo. We sailed down to Esna and toured the Temple of Horus, then on to Luxor to be in the energies of Karnak, the Shrine of Sekmet, the Valley of the Kings and finally the Luxor Temple. The list of sites and sounds over these days in Egypt goes on and on, and each one provided a unique and personal experience for every Shaumbra on the tour.

And now on our final day, here we were, deep inside the Great Pyramid. Our guide, Vanda Osmon, had arranged for two hours of private time in the pyramid for us. As the last of our group came crawling through the portal into the King’s Chamber, Linda and I positioned ourselves against the giant sarcophagus in preparation of Tobias’ channel. Tobias, Adamus and Kuthumi had been channeling every day along our journey, and now I was anticipating the final channel of the tour, here inside the Great Pyramid at the culmination of our trip. I felt the love washes come over my body as Tobias started to come in, and I realized that this moment was perhaps the highlight of my 10-year channeling career. If only my mother could see me now! (Well, she probably could because she left the physical plane several years ago.)

We were all disoriented after these 10 incredible days in Egypt. Not only were we visiting ancient sites from over 5,000 years ago, but the channels from Tobias, Adamus and Kuthumi all related to inter-dimensional time travel. They had us coming and going from the past and future. We learned a new greeting for time travelers called, “Oh-Be-Ahn.” Apparently there are a lot of regular time travelers out there in the other realms and now we knew how to greet them.

Inside the Great Pyramid: Siglinde Schwenzl (inside sarcophagus), Geoffrey Hoppe, Linda Benyo and Harold Pedersen surrounded by orbs in the King's Chamber.

Back to the Great Pyramid. Everyone was seated around the chamber for the channel. Garret Annofsky rang the Tibetan chimes. The sound reverberated into every stone in the chamber. Norma started the breathing. In that moment something magical happened that I can’t explain, but I know we all opened up like we’d never opened before. Then Tobias came in with his familiar, “And So It Is.” It caught me off guard for a moment because the sound of his voice was so melodious, deep and penetrating. It seemed to come not from me, but from the walls and the floor and the ceiling. It came from everywhere. It came from nowhere. His presence was more than a voice. It was alive in every one of us.

If someone were to ask me about the 10 most life-changing moments in my life, this would be one of them. It was surreal, and at the same time more real than anything I had ever experienced.

Then came Tobias’ message. I don’t know what I expected, but I didn’t expect what came out. Deep within this Holy of Holies, the portal into the dimensions, the gateway to Beyond, Tobias proclaimed, “It Doesn’t Matter.”


It doesn’t matter?

If it doesn’t matter, what’s the use of trying?

If it doesn’t matter, why the heck am I here?

I had to focus on channeling Tobias at the moment, but I made a quick mental note to come back to this rather disconcerting statement.

“It Doesn’t Matter” perplexed me as I regretfully left Egypt the next day. Linda and I headed off to Switzerland to attend The Gathering workshop sponsored by Cecilia Sifontes. Over the next few days, Tobias’ statement made more and more sense to my heart, but my mind was still grappling with it. By the time I got back to Colorado in early March after a month on the road, well, it didn’t matter! It is what it is. We already got to where we chose to go, so now the question is, how do we choose to experience it? It actually doesn’t matter, because we’re already there. Now which potential do we want to choose to experience in this reality? It’s truly the definition of a Time Traveler. Been there, done that, now how do I choose to remember it?

Tobias covered this in more detail in this month’s Shoud (Shoud Eight, The Returning Series now available online). I know it has a lot of people scratching their heads, and a few people cussing out Tobias. Some are insisting that it DOES matter, and they will be damned if anyone tries to take it away from them. But… it doesn’t matter!

The Egypt trip changed something within me, and most of the Shaumbra who attended. I can’t put it in words right now, and I don’t have any real desire to try to explain it. But something happened during those 10 precious days in Egypt with Shaumbra, something that changed my life forever. I came back with something I didn’t have before, and I left something of me back in Egypt that I didn’t need any more.

We’re already planning our next Shaumbra Egypt tour for February 2010. We’ll announce it sometime early this summer after we arrange all of the details and pricing. If you’re interested in being on the waiting list (no deposit or guarantee required), please send an email to Suzy Schemel at [email protected]. Please put “Shaumbra Egypt 2010 Wait List” in the email subject header. We’ll make sure to notify you of the Egypt 2010 trip before it is publicly announced.

P.S. All of the channels from the recent Shaumbra Egypt tour will be available later this month in a special set titled, “Time Travels: Shaumbra in Egypt 2009.” It will be available in the Shaumbra Shoppe (US and Europe) as both digital download and physical CD sets.

~* Travel with Tobias - Upcoming Events *~

Event dates subject to change. Some upcoming events may not yet be listed in the Shaumbra Shoppe because details have not been finalized.

Guest speakers at:
March 21 - 22, 2009
Kryon Conference
Madrid, Spain

Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe will make a guest appearance including a Tobias channel during this large two-day Kryon event. Go to www.kryon.com for more details.

March 24-27, 2009
Tobias' Aspectology™ School
Teacher Training
Mallorca, Spain

Training for certification as an Aspectology School teacher facilitated by Geoff and Linda Hoppe. Requirements: Prior attendance at an Aspectology School, current certification as a Sexual Energies School teacher, conducted at least one SES class, submit application.

March 28-29, 2009
Tobias and Adamus’ Interdimensional Workshop
Mallorca, Spain

An intense two-day workshop about the nature of dimensions, and practical experiences with viewing into the dimensions. Live channels with Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe.

April 4, 2009
Shaumbra Webcast and Shoud
Coal Creek Canyon Community Hall
Coal Creek Canyon, Colorado USA
Attend in person or tune into the webcast here or login to www.crimsoncircle.com

April 17-19, 2009
Tobias' Aspectology™ School
Sydney, Australia

Live Tobias channels with Geoffrey Hoppe and Linda Benyo. Co-facilitated by Norma Delaney and Garret Annofsky. Learn about the nature of aspects, how to identify and integrate your old aspects, and how to create new aspects to serve your needs. An intensive three-day school. Not recommended for persons taking anti-depression medication.

April 20-23, 2009
DreamWalker Ascension Teacher Training
Sydney, Australia

Presented by Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe

April 20-23, 2009
DreamWalker Death Transitions Teacher Training
Sydney, Australia

Presented by Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe

April 25-26, 2009
Tobias and Adamus’ Interdimensional Workshop
Auckland, New Zealand

An intense two-day workshop about the nature of dimensions, and practical experiences with viewing into the dimensions. Live channels with Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe. Host: Michelle King.
May 2, 2009
Shaumbra Webcast and Shoud
Coal Creek Canyon Community Hall
Coal Creek Canyon, Colorado USA
Attend in person or tune into the webcast here or login to www.crimsoncircle.com
May 10, 2009
Day of Living in Joy
Bucharest, Romania

A special one-day seminar in Bucharest about the joy of living. Featuring Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe, Dr. Norma Delaney, Dr. Garret Annofsky. This will be an amazing day! English with Romanian translation.
May 12-15, 2009
DreamWalker Birth Teacher Training
Poiana Brasov, Romania

Teacher training and certification for DreamWalker Birth. Application required. See website for details.
May 16-18, 2009
Tobias and Adamas’ Interdimensional Workshop
Poiana Brasov, Romania

An intense three-day workshop about the nature of dimensions, and practical experience with viewing into the dimensions.
May 23-25, 2009
The Shaumbra Channeling Workshop
Amersterdam, Netherlands

It's back! Once again, Geoff and Linda Hoppe will offer the Shaumbra Channeling workshop. This is one of the most popular workshops because ... You actually learn how to channel. Filled with personal and group exercise, live channels and Geoff's personal experience with channeling.
June 6, 2009
Shaumbra Webcast and Shoud
Coal Creek Canyon Community Hall
Coal Creek Canyon, Colorado USA
Attend in person or tune into the webcast here or login to www.crimsoncircle.com
June 2009
Details coming for School 1&2 - Breckenridge, CO
July – no monthly meeting!
July 17-19, 2009
Midsummer New Energy Conference 2009 – A Farewell to Tobias
Breckenridge, Colorado, USA

Please join the Crimson Circle Team and Shaumbra from around the world as we celebrate the 2009 Midsummer New Energy Conference - in beautiful Breckenridge, Colorado, USA! There will be live channels every day, outstanding speakers, musicians and evening entertainment.
July 20-21, 2009
Shaumbra Institute Teachers' Celebration
following the Midsummer New Energy Conference 2009
Breckenridge, Colorado, USA
Upcoming workshops and schools for
Norma Delaney and Garret Annofsky

For More Information Please Visit: http://www.newbreath.net/

March 14-18 Ohamah School - Mallorca, Span
March 21-22 New Breath Teacher Training - Lisbon, Portugal
April 20-21 Breath, Aspects & Integration - Sydney, Australia
April 24-28 Ohamah School - Sydney, Australia
May 16-17 Synthesis - Den Haag, Holland
May 23-24 Synthesis - Frankfurt, Germany
May 30-31 Synthesis - Vienna, Austria
July 10-15 Ohamah School - Evergreen, CO


Crimson Circle™, Shaumbra™, Tobias of the Crimson Council™, Tobias of the Crimson Circle™, and Adamus Saint-Germain™, are registered trademarks of Geoffrey Hoppe, Golden, Colorado USA. All rights reserved. Do not use in any manner or form without the express written consent of the copyright holder.